"> Fixed Asset Compliance | Fixed Assets Software

Procurement to Retirement Platform


Every logistics stakeholder in a bonded warehouse agrees that SOX/STP/CT3/SEZ compliance is the most demanding, cumbersome and time consuming activity, as it is liable to statutory audits from STPI, Customs or Central Excise departments. In an event of breach of the compliance, the organisation has to pay a hefty penalty. Everyone knows adhering to these compliances cannot be avoided, but not many know that these activities can be automated to bring peace of mind. Our SOX/STP/CT3/SEZ module helps organisation adhere to the compliances with minimal effort, as all the compliance related reports are auto generated from the application itself.


Traxx is one of the most mature FAMS (Fixed Asset Management System) with our first installation in nineties. This product is the evolution of over ten thousand man hours with feedbacks from some of the best asset managers from Global MNCs.

Explore how TRAXX ensures strict adherence to statutory compliances

Special Economic Zones

SEZs offer incentives and excellent facilities to attract investments for special purposes like exports. These zones have strict compliance norms for managing assets used for these special purposes. Traxx can be readily configured for most of the processes followed by different special economic zones.

Sarbanes Oxley

Assets shown in the balance sheet should match with the assets available on the floor. Using Traxx to reconcile the Finance Asset Register with Physical Asset Register and by conducting asset audits on a periodic basis to eliminate variance if any achieves this efficiently. With Traxx this process is quick and simple.

Compliance Processes

Configure multiple SEZ units
Configure multiple bond registers
Map sites to bond registers
Track CG Limit
Generate application letters
Configure CHA
Configure tariff headings
Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), an autonomous society under Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. All processes and reports necessary for STPI Compliance are available in Traxx.

Reports and Forms

Annexure IX, IX-A, XIII, XXI and B17
Re-export invoice
Shifting invoice
Packing list
Tentative report(Yearly)
Re-warehousing Certificate
Letters for approval to STP & Customs
De-bonding annexure
Cancel import approval/replacement


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Bangalore - 560035, INDIA


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Phone: +91 9980 633323

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