"> Fixed Asset Audit | FAR Creation | Asset Reconciliation


Fixed Assets

Our flagship service is a comprehensive approach that cleanses and fortifies your fixed asset register to establish a stronger foundation for effective fixed asset management. In addition, fixed asset inventory and reconciliation services provide the necessary data visibility to avoid the risk of non-compliance with financial, tax and regulatory issues.


Traxx is one of the most mature FAMS (Fixed Asset Management System) with our first installation in nineties. This product is the evolution of over ten thousand man hours with feedbacks from some of the best asset managers from Global MNCs.

Explore how fixed assets audit with TRAXX achieves true representation of fixed assets in balance sheet

Our FAR Creation includes services such as Fixed Asset Audit and Fixed Asset Reconciliation. Every business needs to ensure regular Fixed Asset Reconciliation for the purpose of tracking and asset inventory management. Asset Audit is an integral part of asset management and is carried out regularly as fixed asset reconciliation services.

The TRAXX fixed asset reconciliation services integrate standard methodologies which ensure minimal disruption in operations and smooth processing by leveraging the FAR Creation. Physical Asset Audit which is a necessary part of audit can be successfully carried out with the help of hand held devices for scanning fixed assets which have been tagged.

Fixed Asset Reconciliation is a time saving mechanism enabling more effective utilisation of manpower reducing cost to company and frivolous man-hour spends. Using the TRAXX software a business can easily track its assets and thus conduct a more comprehensive Fixed Asset Audit Inventory and reconciliation.

The TRAXX FAR Creation is the best Fixed Asset Management Solution with specific interest in asset audit and Asset Reconciliation. This product has been designed to ensure effective Fixed Asset Reconciliation Services for clients.

It provides a system that is easy to operate, simplifying the process of asset reconciliation for balance sheet.

We are well versed and highly experienced in the area of Enterprise Asset Management Services having served the industry for a couple of decades.

Our Enterprise Asset Management Software has enabled numerous organisations to effectively manage and keep track of their assets.

Our cloud solution can be implemented in a variety of leading cloud platforms like Azure, AWS and Cloud4C.

Our secure cloud model allows our customers to choose their cloud partner of choice.

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Fixed assets audit, inventory and reconciliation

Fixed Assets Inventory

The fixed asset inventory and reconciliation approach, which has an unparalleled audit trail, is deemed by RCS clients as a methodology that bridges gaps typically experienced with traditional fixed asset “reviews”. In addition, RCS utilises standard methodologies that take into account a variety of issues to ensure a successful and minimally disruptive project.

Wall to wall Physical Audit

Utilising state-of-the-art handheld technology to capture quality asset inventory data and creating a vehicle for more efficient cycle inventory by tagging all assets with a barcode or RFID label.

Compliance Processes

Reconciliation of inventoried assets to a fixed asset ledger and other corporate asset management database (e.g. IT, Facilities, Maintenance, etc.). Detailed review and reconciliation of remaining capital assets not able to be inventoried, including real property, bulk assets, ghost assets, intangibles, etc.

Cost Componentization

Additional detailed cost components of capital equipment that creates the support needed for IFRS and re-classification of assets into more accelerated depreciation/personal property tax categories.


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Bangalore - 560035, INDIA


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Phone: +91 9980 633323

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