RCS TRAXX manages the entire life cycle of fixed assets from procurement to retirement. Our P2P module CartIQ helps organisations efficiently and easily manage cost-centre wise budgets, asset requisitions, vendor management, RFQ and PO generation. CartIQ has multiple workflows with mobile based authorisation facility for involving higher levels in management with ease.
Traxx is one of the most mature FAMS (Fixed Asset Management System) with our first installation in nineties. This product is the evolution of over ten thousand man hours with feedbacks from some of the best asset managers from Global MNCs.
The Cart IQ Procurement Software is a state-of-the-art Procurement Automation Solution enabling business to efficiently manage an error free process for Procure to Pay. The Procurement Automation System handles the entire Procure to Pay process starting from the purchase request to requesting quotes, selecting a suitable vendor, generating the purchase order and making the final payment.
With our extremely versatile and configurable system, our domain specialists can implement CartIQ in a matter of weeks. This includes integration with SSO and FAMS.
Our comprehensive Procurement Automation Software reduces the time investment as well as minimises the chances of errors in the inventory system. Being integrated with the Asset Management System, the purchase of all new assets is automatically updated by the Procurement Software.
Cart IQ is a leading Procurement Automation Solution. It is vendor friendly allowing them several facilities without having to make specific requests to your company.
The Procurement Automation Software enables vendors to view the status of their RFQ and make pricing modifications. This Procurement Automation System then leads them through the entire process from Procure to Pay in a hassle free manner averting all confusion and easily clarifying doubts.
The Procurement Automation System also integrates with ERP applications and HR Systems following a 3 tier architecture which allows seamless and secures data access. The TRAXX Procurement Automation Software is an integral solution that can be leveraged to streamline the procurement process and dealing with multiple vendors.
Our cloud solution can be implemented in a variety of leading cloud platforms like Azure, AWS and Cloud4C.
Our secure cloud model allows our customers to choose their cloud partner of choice.
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PR is a lightweight web-form. Catalogues can be used to simplify selection of frequently procured items.
Configurable approval processes and multi level web forms with different access rights. Mobile access.
Choose vendors to send RFQ. On submission of request, mail will be sent automatically to all selected vendors.
Vendor submits proposal through CartIQ. Submitted information is displayed as comparison statement.
Negotiations with configurable reverse auction helps in securing best terms and cost savings.
After multi-level approval, purchase order can be generated. Electronic copy goes to vendor.
Form GRN captures details of goods received. This data helps in making payments and anlyzing the vendor.
Payment is tracked with the PO value and GRN data. Based on data, decisions like fore closure can be taken.
For mobility, CartIQ uses responsive web technologies to optimise view in mobile phones, tablets and large screen computers.
Java in three tier architecture is one of the best for web security. Along with role based access, CartIQ is highly secure in the web.
CartIQ can scale elastically with increase in user base and volume of transaction. Hardware and server upgrades scale performance.
CartIQ has simple screens to configure hierarchies and approval workflows resulting in reduction of implementation efforts and time.
Frequently procured items are negotiated and listed in a simple catalogue with blanqut PO.
Simplifies and speeds procurement. Avoids unnecessary stock. Items like consumables can be dispatched directly.
Users can access items belonging to their department and directly place order with configured limit.
Vendors can upload documents necessary for evaluation. Auditors across the Globe can assess these and approve empanelment or extension
Vendor module can be fire-walled. The entire vendor-module can run as a separate instance. All documents uploaded can be scanned.
Vendors are intimated by mail on RFQs, auctions, deliveries and payments.
Vendors can respond to RFQs by uploading their proposals and filling a simple web form
Vendors can participate in auctions. Their standing rank is displayed based on which they can bid. Auctions can open in a specific window.
Vendors can upload invoices and goods delivery notes for payment processes. They can view status of their payment.
Choose the RFQ for which auction has to be scheduled. Choose vendors who will participate in the auction. Finally, select the time window and date on which auction happens. This detail will be mailed automatically to each chosen vendor.
Vendors will receive a new link in their login. Clicking the link will take them to the auction screen. During the auction window, they will be able to alter the value or terms of the proposal previously submitted by them.
During the auction window, the system automatically refreshes the auction screen to display live ranking of each vendor. This helps them in altering their price to achieve better ranking.
At the close of vendor auction, the system automatically redraws the comparison chart with the new price and terms each vendor submitted during the auction. Auction history also can be displayed for detailed analysis of the participation pattern.
CartIQ can seamlessly connect with ERP applications like SAP and Oracle. Multiple technologies like BAPI, Web Services and DB View are supported
For ease of logging into the system, CartIQ can be integrated with LDAP, Active Directory and Google OAUTH.Users can login without typing password each time
Multiple help-desk applications can be integrated with CartIQ. Once the assets are procured, help-desk can import data from CartIQ so that users can raise support tickets if needed
CartIQ can connect with HR systems like Peoplesoft to get user and employee data. The administrator enable login and assign roles based on department and designation
Lack of accurate information means lack of transparency and inability to manage risks. If you know what you’ve got, what it is being used for, how much it is worth and what its costing you, then you are in a position to anticipate, weigh up options, and proactively make informed business decisions based on real information.
Online vendor data upload and approval processes in CartIQ simplify vendor empanelment.
Catalogue of products facilitate choosing products quickly. It reduces procurement cycle time. Vendor auctions get the best for your Organisation.
Procurement data can be shared with most standard applications like SAP, Oracle and Peoplesoft. This information exchange helps in achieving better
Stake holders from across the Globe from different geographies can interact seamlessly.